Light Path Study 1 (2016)
Light Path Study 1 was my first exploration into 3D printed displays. The idea was to create non-traditional displays that could surface shapes, and curves with 3D printing. After analyzing and re-implementing existing research projects on 3D print optics1), I succeeded in 3D printing objects that have potentials to function as alternative displays. The project has been evolved into Light Path Study 2 and Glow Box.
The project was printed on industrial 3D printers such as Stratasys J750 and 3D Systems ProJet 7000 HD SLA at NYU’s LaGuardia Studio.
1) The projects I referenced include Printed optics: 3D printing of embedded optical elements for interactive devices by Willis, K., Brockmeyer, E., Hudson, S., & Poupyrev,I.
The project was printed on industrial 3D printers such as Stratasys J750 and 3D Systems ProJet 7000 HD SLA at NYU’s LaGuardia Studio.

1) The projects I referenced include Printed optics: 3D printing of embedded optical elements for interactive devices by Willis, K., Brockmeyer, E., Hudson, S., & Poupyrev,I.