Invisible Sculptures (보이지 않는 조각들, 2018-2021is a series of sculptures that can be only seen by senses other than sight. The project explores a more sensory inclusive view of the world while questioning the meaning of “the art object” by challenging sighted people's dependence on vision through immersive multi-sensory experiences. The project is also a celebration of diversity evidenced by our biological, social, and cultural backgrounds, as well as the diversity of our perceptions. The sense of vision doesn’t help you to see Invisible Sculptures–because of this, visually impaired people and people with sight are on equal terms when they encounter these sculptures. To learn more about the project, feel free to watch this interview video from my solo exhibition or my recent talk. You can also purchase the book about the project (Korea / other countries). 

Recent/Upcoming Showings of Invisible Sculptures:

[NOW] Sound Sculpture at An Invitation to Awe at Middlebury College Art Museum
[UPCOMING] Bristol, UK (more info soon)

Sep 1, 2024 – Invisible Sculptures: Sound Sculpture has been purcahsed and collected by Middlebury College Museum of Art
Nov 12, 2023 – Artist Talk at Connected Week 2023 by Art Collider Lab in South Korea
Aug 1, 2023 – A poem about Invisible Sculptures by Karen Neuberg is published on APPAGUS
Apr 24, 2024 – Artist Talk at I_mBODY lab at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Mar 1, 2024 – How To See Invisible Sculptures: Creating Experimental Art with Non-visual Spectrum, my essay on Epi Science Magazine 23 (in Korean)
Feb 12, 2022 – Artist Studios Open House at the Museum of Arts and Design (MAD Museum)
March, 2022 – Thought Sculpture III at < The Sound and Fury>, a metaverse exhibition curated by Kim Seung Hyun.
Oct 2021 – An exhibition book about the Invisible Sculptures series has been published! (Publisher: Clayarch Museum). You can purchase here (Korea). If you’re outside Korea, here’s the form.
Oct 23, 2021 – Central Park, NYC w/ Museum of Arts and Design (Invisible Sculpture OnWheels). Event Page
Oct 6, 2021 – Artist Talk at Cooper Union (hosted by the Autonomy Lab) “Creating New Sensory Languages with Invisible Sculptures”
Sep 12, 2021 – Dumbo, Brooklyn @ The Six Foot Platform, presented by Brooklyn Arts Council & Dumbo Improvement District (Invisible Sculpture OnWheels)
Aug 27, 2021 – Virtual Tour of my solo exhibition about the Invisible Sculptures series, <Invisible and Existent> / in Korean / RSVP
Aug 2, 2021 – The project has been selectedfor the City Artist Corps Grants by the New York Foundation for the Arts
July 21, 2021 – Thought Sculpture III at <NFS NSFW NFT>, a 3D virtual exhibition produced by members of NEW INC and Rhizome’s Art & Code track
April 9, 2021 – Virtual Tour of my solo exhibition about Invisible Sculptures series, <Invisible and Existent> with MAD Museum / in English / RSVP
April 2 ~ August 31, 2021 – A solo exhibition dedicated to the Invisible Sculptures series, at Clayarch Art Museum in South Korea
May 14 ~ 16, 2021 – Art in Odd Places in NYC (Invisible Sculpture On Wheels)
May 7, 2021 – Talk at the Seoul Foundation of Arts and Culture, South Korea
March 2021 – GimHae, South Korea (Invisible Sculpture On Wheels)
November 2020 – Tompkins Square Park in East Village, NYC (Invisible Sculpture On Wheels)

Yeseul Song